Beat The Travel Blues

Traveling for the first time can be a culture shock. Models are expected to gain experience in a variety of cities or ‘markets’ around the world. However, if you’ve never left your hometown before, or you don’t care for traveling solo, you might get homesick, otherwise called the travel blues. Unfortunately, this is a common reason why models decide to cut their business trips short or be sent home by their agencies. Homesick models find it difficult to handle the cultural change; which not only affects how they behave in front of clients, but also their overall future for modeling success.

Here are a few tips to ease the travel blues


Before you leave for your trip, read up on the city or country which you are going to. This includes the local etiquette, public transport, national holidays, and language. It will help you get around with less stress. Also, if you can understand and communicate with the clients and your agents, it can increase your booking ability.


Keeping yourself occupied will take your mind off the people and things you miss. If you are not already knee-deep in testing, castings, and bookings; take advantage of the tourism. Go enjoy the sights during your downtime. Better yet, find a local gym or park to keep active. Perhaps take a few fellow models along with you to play a team sport, or go for a run or power walk. If you’re not into sports or gyms; continue one of your hobbies, or find a new one.




You could be staying in a models apartment, shared with others who are in the same boat. Don’t be shy – interact with each other and make lifelong friends!


Get involved with the business aspects of modeling. Visit your agency and talk with your new agents. Take these opportunities to find out if you should be doing more testing or digitals. This will show your agents that you are willing to put in the work, therefore confirming that their decision to represent you, and take a risk bringing you into their market, was a good one. On a side note, it won’t hurt to bring them some coffee and cookies as a thank you.


Jedi –mind trick yourself into feeling more positive, by saying and thinking positive things. Remind yourself that you have been given a great opportunity to take your career to the next level, and explore a new city while doing so. You will be home before you know it, and maybe after a week or two, you may not want to leave!


